Educación versus coerción
Esta es mi madre, hacia 1948. Un día en el colegio les tomaban una foto en blanco y negro. Con un decorado de naturaleza al fondo, con la imagen del niño y el cordero pascual a la izquierda, con una pluma bonita y un uniforme prestados. También con la bola del mundo y otros símbolos […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 10/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. The Wild Big Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 9/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. The Wild Big Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 8/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. The Wild Big Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 7/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. The Wild Big Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 6/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. The Wild Big Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 5/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. The Wild Big Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 4/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. Big Wild Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. !El […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 3/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. Big Wild Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. !El […]
The Wild Big Mother (project) 2/∞
Create is over, procreate is over, recreate is the way. Welcome to a brave new world. Big Wild Mother is the last chance to keep intact our human DNA. Then let’s go play! I want to have a child with you… «El método Bokanovsky es uno de los mayores instrumentos de la estabilidad social. !El […]